Your Most Winning Frame of Mind

ChristmasTreeLove.jpgNow, more than ever–it is so important that you maintain the rituals, success routines, and self-motivation that are integral to keeping you on the right track physically, emotionally and spiritually. You hear on the news that we live in uncertain times. You aren’t sure what will happen on Wall Street. You maybe aren’t sure about what is going to happen with your health insurance. All of this can create every day stress and a feeling of overwhelm.

What does this mean to you in your daily life? Instead of letting yourself get pulled into whatever is going on around you, take charge of your inner-game. Master your thought life.

Be in your most winning, successful, and determined frame of mind. Write in your journal, practice positive self-talk, exercise, and keep your heart thinking right.  No matter what you face in life, face it with your best game. Love and appreciate life.

Think back over the last week. Were you distracted, mildly depressed, or even angry? These are emotions that can trigger negative and self-sabotaging behaviors. Recognize your feelings and then move on and beyond them to your own best actions and plans.

What is your favorite way to take charge and master your innergame?
In Happiness,


Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD
The Inspired Action Success Coach

Happy Thanksgiving, sharing my appreciation list.

My daughter Sonja and Chris Mann
My daughter,Sonja and Chris Mann

Happy Thanksgiving. We have a tradition at our house where we go around the table and have each person say what they appreciate over the past year. I thought I would share my list with you. These ten things are in random order- in fact I could put them all at number one.

My son,Nick, after a hard fought game.

1. I am thankful for my family. My husband of over 20 years, still takes my breath away.  Each member of my family is unique with a different way of communicating love. I cherish our dinner conversations and keeping in touch over text, facebook and email for distant loved ones.

2. I am thankful for you. You are part of my community. And I cannot imagine my life without you. Your goals and your dreams are part of me every day. I am constantly thinking about you and how I can help.

3. I am thankful for deep life-long friendships. My life-long friends seem to just know what is going on in my head and my heart.

Long Island, Bahamas

4. I am thankful for travel. I took 7 trips over the last 12 months.  I appreciate that the opportunity was there and I stretched out of my comfort zone even having an unplanned encounter with a shark while I was in a kayak in the Bahamas.

5. I am thankful that my business has grown dramatically this year. I added the Be the Inspiration Mastermind, Optimize Your Path Member site, and the Master Your Innergame eCcourse. Working with clients in these new programs is fulfilling and meaningful.

My daughter, Monikka, and my son, Nick

6. I am thankful that I held a live event in my city of Parker with amazing attendees. It was one of the best two days of my entire career.

7. I am thankful my children are happy and successful.

Beatrice Lake
Beatrice Lake, MN

8. I am thankful that I was able to visit many rivers, lakes and oceans; kayaking, canoeing, boating, and jet-skiing.

9. I am thankful for the terrific coaches that have gone through and are currently going through my life coaching certification program.

10. I am thankful for every day happiness.

Just typing this list, makes my heart fill with love and joy. I know when I focus on what is working, life flows and feels abundant. I would love to hear about your top ten appreciation list, too.

I am here to support your breakthroughs and success. I am also sharing a free list of my 5 Top Tools for Biz Growth Click Here
To your Success, Freedom & Happiness,Sheri

Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD
The Inspired Action Success Coach

When You Go For Comfortable, You Miss Out on Wonderful

Breakthrough moment: I realized I am wearing a shirt that is the most comfortable shirt I own.  The fabric is soft and it is really really comfy, but I hate the way it looks on me. I wouldn’t wear it out for lunch and if someone stopped over and I was wearing it, I think I would be embarrassed. Other people have told me that they love it on me,  but I just don’t like it on me at all. A few times I have thought,  “just throw it out”.

But the voice inside my head says, “but it is so comfortable, you might not ever have a shirt again that feels this soft and comfy”. 4_Keys_To_Being_Your_BestFreeWeb

Wow, I realized what a great analogy for hanging onto something comfortable even though I don’t like it. I am throwing it out today and never putting it on or looking at it again. Message: Just because something is comfortable doesn’t mean it is serving me.

Lightening bolt:  Where else I am doing that in my life? Where are you doing this in your life?

When we keep things around just because they are comfortable, we aren’t living into what we really want in our lives, instead we keep hovering around “comfortable, but not good for me”.

Some things are comfortable and wonderful. But often “comfortable” is a way of avoiding expansion and positive change because our ego minds strive to keep things the same. Our ego minds hate change, it’s too scary. Our ego minds want the status quo even if the status quo isn’t great. Our higher selves want what is the highest good. Quiet your ego mind with some soft music, journaling, and meditation. Let your inner guidance speak.

Whether it is a thought pattern, a relationship, furniture, clothing, a struggling business, etc: when you go for comfortable, you sometimes miss out on wonderful.

Happy Girl on computer

Command a better story for your best and highest good today. Take action on what is not amazing. Eliminate or tweak what is draining. If it isn’t supporting you and making you feel good, it’s draining.

Go for it, eliminate all that is merely comfortable.

Freedom! Yeah baby.

Need some ideas on how to live with more freedom? Check out my free instant download mp3             4 Keys to Being Your Best.

In Happiness,


Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD





Change your story, change your life

Take a moment to check in with yourself. How is everything really going? Is it time for a new story?   If things aren’t going the way you want them to be going, take a look at the story that you have created. Have you created a story that makes things hard, challenging, and frustrating?

For instance, lots of people create this kind of story around money, around their ideal job, raising kids, getting a house, etc. But you can choose to tell a different story.


I realized that I had created a story around specific bills- not all my bills in general, but there were two where I felt resentment and guess what- it became extremely hard for me to pay those bills. They just seemed to never get paid down in any significant way, I realized I was creating a story around them that was different than the story I held for my other bills. I made a conscious choice to create a new story.

My new story was that these two bills were teeny-tiny in the big picture. I focused on how easy it is to pay them. My energy shifted. As I focused on my beautiful big picture, less negative emotion was attached to these two bills. I freed up my time and attention and became less attached. It was a breath of fresh air.

If things aren’t working, decide today that you will choose differently. Choose a new powerful story. Choose a story that lifts you up, excites you, and makes you inspired.

Create a new story by deciding how you want the story to be- not how you are currently seeing the story.

Steps to a new story:

  1. Recognize that you have created a story about where you are now.
  2. Decide how you would like to be and feel.
  3. Create a new, better feeling story.
  4. Notice your shift in energy
  5. Take one or two inspired action steps based on your new, better feeling story

You are invited to a free 20 minute- Step Into Inspired Action Coaching Session

In Happiness,


Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD

The Inspired Action Success Coach

