Connecting the Pieces and Living Fulfilled

Relax book coverI have a new book coming out next week called Relax Into Inspired Action: Connect the Pieces, and Live Fulfilled. (Watch for the launch on April 2). In the book I share some stories of how people connect the pieces in their lives.

Over my years as a coach and my experience in training and development, I have witnessed and cultivated a process called connecting the pieces and living fulfilled.

During this process you learn to put together all of the pieces that make you feel alive and passionate in your life into a business or career where you make a meaningful difference and are well compensated for your contribution to this world.

My own Connecting the Pieces story:

My clients know me as “action Sheri”. I have owned my company since 2007, my books are available internationally, my podcast is global, and I work with my ideal clients every day. I take vacations (lots of vacations). I feel spiritually connected and happy. I golf. I read books. I hang out with friends. I am close to my husband and children and involved in their lives… But it wasn’t always this way. I didn’t always have it together. (And I don’t always have it together every minute of the day, now).

What drove me to carve out the life I live today? Pain.

My own world was shattered when I was 17 and I came home from school one day to find my younger brother after his suicide death. My identity was lost. I lost trust in everything (even God). It felt like I was on shaky ground all of the time. Our family was grief stricken. However, I did have one glimmer of light… I knew at a deep level… that I would not let this beat me. I would get up again. I would survive. I didn’t imagine ever being truly happy. I thought, if I got to OK, where I didn’t cry every day, I would be doing pretty good. I still went to college. I still went to work. I had some fantastic people in my life that lifted me up when I stumbled.

Then one day, I didn’t need to be lifted up anymore. I was on the road to getting better. I was okay.

My world shifted again when I was pregnant with my first daughter in 1994. I was on bed-rest and my mother gave me a copy of Steven Covey’s 7 Habits book. And it was the first time since my brother died, that I made the connection regarding the power of thoughts. This book set me on a path of self-discovery and personal growth. I was inspired to continue my schooling earning my Master’s and my PhD. I made it my life-long quest to discover what makes people happy and why some people are successful and other’s struggle.

I made the connection between thoughts and happiness. It was like a light bulb turned on and I realized that I could be happy if I decided to be happy. I even wrote my first book on happiness, Keys to Living Joyfully. I not only was okay, I was happy.

My early career was a hodge-podge of jobs with each one teaching me something about myself. Eventually, I moved to a career in management, and then I made the move to a career in higher education, and then training and development.

I felt, still, like I was missing something. I prayed and meditated about it. I woke up one morning in 2007 and knew I would start my own coaching and training company. I have never looked back. I had a learning curve and many challenges. It took me months to land my first client. I cried tears of frustration in the beginning. I had to learn how to market my own business which was much more challenging than sales and marketing for someone else. I had to work on my own sense of worthiness and conquer my fears, but it was exciting. It was exactly what I wanted to be doing. I thrived as I saw my clients change their lives and grow their businesses.

After a couple years of growing my company, I had another realization. I was working too many hours. There was a part of me that felt that I had to work really hard for success. I just couldn’t do it anymore, though.

I needed more balance. I dug deep, and I decided that I was going to do all of the things I really wanted to do. If that meant golfing three times a week or taking frequent vacations, I was going to do it.

My business didn’t miss a beat. In fact, it grew. When I was taking care of me and having fun, the energy of my business responded to that. I am still a queen of action, but I am relaxed about it. And I only act when I am in the inspired action state.

Every choice has a purpose. Every move is deliberate. I am deliberating creating my business and life every day.

Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD.

Business Coach and Author


P.S. Look for the book launch next week:)

Happy Valentines, Sending you love vibes

Gordon's Beach
Me at Gordon’s Beach Long Island Bahamas 2015Happy Valentines! Love is in the air, I can feel it.


Happy Valentines, Love is in the air- I can feel it. I am sending you love vibes and a wish for you to be surrounded by loving and caring people. I also wish for you that one of those loving and caring people is you. Be sure to love and care for yourself just as you would a close friend or family member.  Fill yourself up with love and acceptance. Be kind to yourself and to others.

February is an exciting month for me with my daughter’s birthday, my birthday, my anniversary, and Valentines Day.

A month full of love and happy occasions.

I just returned from a 9 day trip to Long Island, Bahamas with my friend Deb. We swam on beaches so remote that often no one else was there.

I slept with my door open and listened to the waves, felt that wind, and breathed in the scent of the ocean.

My birthday celebration was at Chez Pierre Long Island.

I was totally relaxed and unplugged from the world. I loved it and I also loved coming home.

You know you love your life when you are just as excited to come home as you are to go on vacation.

I was able to see many sharks (a few were over ten feet) and since I realized they are everywhere, I probably unknowingly swam with a few.

Dock view of one of a dozen sharks at Flying Fish Marina.
Dock view of one of a dozen sharks at Flying Fish Marina.

A stingray made its home a couple feet off our beach at our villa and we had a lemon shark that liked to appear about three feet off the beach.  We also witnessed (as their only audience members) four free divers take practice dives in Dean’s Blue Hole. They hold their breath and see how far down they can go. Dean’s is 660 feet deep.  I have many happy memories of a place I love.

I was recently asked about my trips that I take and how I make it happen. My response is that it started with a decision to travel. As soon as I decided, my travel plans started taking shape and I feel so thankful and blessed. When I am on the beach, I practice self-care and am gentle and kind with myself. I return totally energized and relaxed at the same time.

I am happy to be back and have exciting events coming up in my Biz.

Lockabar Beach
Lockabar Beach, Long Island Bahamas 2015

What’s New:

Relax Into Attracting Clients 2 Day Virtual Retreat Save $$$  Click Here for Info

Want to be a life coach or freshen up your current coaching skills? Take my certification course

Get my friend Jeanna’s new rock your profits book for free Click Here


Note: I only share other people’s products and services when I truly believe in and love what they are doing. It is possible that should you purchase a product that I recommend, I may earn an affiliate commission.


Cheers to your Success.

In Happiness,


Chez Pierre Long Island Bahamas Happy Birthday to Me


Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD.,MA, CGCL Your Inspired Action Success Coach. Sheri Kaye Hoff is a coach, trainer, and transformational best selling author of multiple books. She is a leadership expert, keynote speaker, international radio show guest,  podcast host, and workshop leader with 20 years of coaching, mentoring,  training and development experience. Visit Sheri at 



Your Most Winning Frame of Mind

ChristmasTreeLove.jpgNow, more than ever–it is so important that you maintain the rituals, success routines, and self-motivation that are integral to keeping you on the right track physically, emotionally and spiritually. You hear on the news that we live in uncertain times. You aren’t sure what will happen on Wall Street. You maybe aren’t sure about what is going to happen with your health insurance. All of this can create every day stress and a feeling of overwhelm.

What does this mean to you in your daily life? Instead of letting yourself get pulled into whatever is going on around you, take charge of your inner-game. Master your thought life.

Be in your most winning, successful, and determined frame of mind. Write in your journal, practice positive self-talk, exercise, and keep your heart thinking right.  No matter what you face in life, face it with your best game. Love and appreciate life.

Think back over the last week. Were you distracted, mildly depressed, or even angry? These are emotions that can trigger negative and self-sabotaging behaviors. Recognize your feelings and then move on and beyond them to your own best actions and plans.

What is your favorite way to take charge and master your innergame?
In Happiness,


Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD
The Inspired Action Success Coach

Get Clear About What You Want

IMAG0315[1]In this pic, above, are my son- Nick and my Uncle Gary on Long Lake in Isanti, MN on the 4th of July

Get really clear about what you want. When it comes to relationships, your biz, yourself, take the time to be clear. Clarity helps manifestation. Think and act around what you CAN do- and let other people’s business and actions be their own. The more clear you are, the more likely you are to achieve.

If you feel like you don’t know what you want, start from the point of knowing what you don’t want. For instance, if you know you don’t want a one-sided/lopsided relationship, then you know you really want a relationship that is based in equality around communication, responsibility, etc. If you know you don’t want a struggling business, then you know that you do want a way to make money in your life or biz that feels easy and flowing and using your true talents and skills. Grab your notebook and get clear.

I know getting clear works. I recently came back from a two week vacation in Northern MN and WI with my son. I was really clear about what I wanted before I left. I wanted a 5* vacation, to boat, canoe, swim, and visit as many family members and lakes as I could.  Plus, I wanted to capture it all on film and video. This was a 2400+ mile road trip. So asking it to be 5* was a stretch. But wherever we went we received upgrades for hotel stays and were treated very well. All of the activities worked out and it was peaceful at the same time. We even squeezed in a school shopping visit to the Mall of America.


I am connected to my inner guidance at all times. I clearly hear my internal voice. I make powerful, impactful and positive decisions. I am happy. I am fully present.

Hear my podcast episode on getting clear- Click Here

In Happiness,


Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD

The Inspired Action Success Coach
