How to Heal Anything in Your Life

Business and Life Coaching Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD


When something drastic happens in your life, for example an ICU stay, an unexpected diagnosis or a major financial disaster or a relationship crisis, you are reeling and shaken to your core. I know I felt this way last summer when I woke up in ICU and was breathing on a ventilator last summer.  I went through stages of emotions. At first I was euphoric that I was alive. Then I was in disbelief when I was told I may need a heart transplant. Then I felt depressed. Then I felt terrified that I was going to die in my sleep and my children would be motherless.

I processed these emotions over about three days before I decided to take charge of my health and every aspect of my life.  What happened next is a recipe for anyone who finds themselves in a seemingly impossible situation.

First, engage in…

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