Awaken to Happiness Now


I was so excited when I received an email from my friend, Shefali Burns, asking me if I would speak at her upcoming Summit: Awaken to Happiness Now. The profound and timely message of the global event, plus all of the great speakers she has lined up, makes me feel blessed and honored to be a part of it.

Who doesn’t want to:

  • Learn ways to release the negativity in your life to be more positive?

  • Begin your journey of living your best life yet?

  • Change your thoughts, change your energy, transform your life, and transform your world?

There will be over 40 speakers sharing their messages, answering questions, and conducting healings. This is a free event and can be accessed by clicking this link:

Awaken to Happiness Now Global Summit

You seriously do not want to miss this.

When you sign up for the Summit you will receive a “Happiness Kit” to start you on your journey to a more fulfilled and prosperous life. It is time for everyone to take control of their future and realize that global happiness is a possibility. So take control right now and click the link:

Awaken to Happiness Now Global Summit

Now you shouldn’t keep all of this great information to yourself, so feel free to share the Summit details with family, friends, and everyone who is in need of this message.

With love and gratitude,


Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD, MA, CGCL

Your Inspired Action Success Coach

P.S. My speaking date is July 16.

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