12 Days of Christmas Cheer Day – Tap your personal power

12 Days of Christmas Cheer

Day 11 of the 12 Days of Christmas Cheer Giveaway

Each day through Dec 27, I will offer a coaching tip on a self-growth topic, plus a free downloadable gift and a special discount on my coaching products. On the final day, I will be holding a drawing from all of the blog comments and will be giving out a $25 Amazon gift card to a drawing prize winner. Enter the drawing by commenting on the blog posts. (Note- One comment per day per person will be entered into the drawing).

Today’s Tip:

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”  Napoleon Hill

I watched part of National Lampoon’s Christmas show late last night with the ever troubled character that Chevy Chase plays. Disaster and crazy happenings seem to follow him around. We laugh and giggle at the movie. When watching the movie, most people can look at their own holiday gatherings and their own lives and have a sense of thinking “at least my life is not that bad or my family is not that crazy.”

When you look a little deeper at the movie though, the theme taps the idea that events happen to people and people are the victims of their outer circumstances. In fact, the nicer you are are- the more disaster happens to strike. Chevy Chase’s character is a likable, funny, and normal guy- and nothing ever works out quite like he wants it to work out.

If  we look at Napoleon Hill’s quote that I provided above,  it directly contrasts with the messages that we receive in mainstream media and entertainment.  His quote reminds us that we do have great personal power. Don’t give it away and mostly don’t let it just fade away because you don’t use it.

You are more powerful than you can imagine. You are empowered every moment of every day.  Identify and align yourself with strength and the idea that you are a powerful, deliberate creator.  Journal Exercise Prompt: Ask yourself, “What do I want to create?”

Today’s Gift: Enjoy this call from Success Club on Unconditional Love and Leadership (no opt in required) Click Here

Today’s Special: Top Life Coaching Tips: Live Each Day with More Peace, Passion, Energy, and Joy Click Here



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD, MA


Your Inspired Action Success Coach



12 Days of Christmas Cheer Day 9

12 Days of Christmas Cheer

Day 9  of the 12 Days of Christmas Cheer Giveaway

Each day, I will offer a coaching tip on a self-growth topic, plus a free downloadable gift and a special discount on my coaching products. On the final day, I will be holding a drawing from all of the blog comments and will be giving out a $25 Amazon gift card to a drawing prize winner. Enter the drawing by commenting on the blog posts. (Note- One comment per day per person will be entered into the drawing). I have designed the 12 days of Christmas to end a few days after Christmas.

Today’s Tip:

It is Christmas Eve and I woke up this morning feeling so much love in my heart, not just for family, but for everyone in my life and all of humanity. I almost felt like my heart would burst with happiness. I started my morning with coffee and a drive through the country. I love the mountain views. When I see the sun rise and turn the snow capped mountains pink and purple with sparkles, it takes my breath away.

Here is a poem that I wrote in 2009- that I would like to share with you:

Winter Morning

Before dawn
Slowly moving
I breathe in the chilly air
Snow crunching
Wind tickling my face
Part of me wants
To turn back
To snuggle in my warm bed
Part of me is awakening
With the promise
Of an exciting new day
I begin
Quickening the pace
Muscles warming
Heart accelerating
The sun is slowly creeping up
I turn the corner
At the top of the hill
I pause in glorious wonder
The mountain peaks
Snowy , sparkly, pink
As  the sun kisses them
Glowing with the
Promise of the new day.
Thank you Lord for your
spectacular, beautiful day.

Even though you are probably booked solid over the next few days with family gatherings, cooking, presents, and all of your Holiday traditions. Take a few minutes to breathe in the glorious day and appreciate the beauty surrounding you.

Today’s Gift: The Boost Your Happiness mp3 Click Here

Today’s Special: The Living Joyfully Hard Cover Journal Click Here



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD, MA


Your Inspired Action Success Coach



12 Days of Christmas Cheer Day 8

12 Days of Christmas Cheer

Day 8  of the 12 Days of Christmas Cheer Giveaway

Each day, I will offer a coaching tip on a self-growth topic, plus a free downloadable gift and a special discount on my coaching products. On the final day, I will be holding a drawing from all of the blog comments and will be giving out a $25 Amazon gift card to a drawing prize winner. Enter the drawing by commenting on the blog posts. (Note- One comment per day per person will be entered into the drawing).

Today’s Tip: Life is Good

Today I was one of those people out getting a few last minute Christmas presents. Traffic was just crazy. I felt like it was almost as if everyone decided to go to the store at exactly the same time. An interesting thing happened though, instead of experiencing rude, grumpy people… every person I came into contact with- was smiling and kind.

Then I  thought about how I left the house. I was just expecting good and for life to flow. I found what I needed and had fun doing it.  I didn’t feel stress or irritation.  My thought was, “Life is good.”

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”  Napoleon Hill

Our experience of events are determined by the thoughts that we have. For instance, if we think it is hard to grow older- guess what? That will be our experience. If we think people are rude- that will be our experience. Take a moment to think about the beliefs that you hold onto every day. Are they serving you well?

Try deciding ahead of time and believing  that your home will be filled with loving conversations and good times during the Holidays.

Wishing you days filled with love, happiness, and rich blessings.

Today’s Gift: the Get Inspired Gift Pak Click Here

Today’s Special: Join me at my VIP event in January in Las Vegas Click Here



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD, MA


Your Inspired Action Success Coach



12 Days of Christmas Cheer Day 7

12 Days of Christmas Cheer

Day 7 of the 12 Days of Christmas Cheer giveaway

Each day, I will offer a coaching tip on a self-growth topic, plus a free downloadable gift and a special discount on my coaching products. On the final day, I will be holding a drawing from all of the blog comments and will be giving out a $25 Amazon gift card to a drawing prize winner. Enter the drawing by commenting on the blog posts. (Note- One comment per day per person will be entered into the drawing).

Today’s Tip:

BookCoverImageThis morning, my youngest son (he is 13) and I when to Sports Authority to bring his snowboard rental back. We shopped a little trying out the new golf drivers in the golf shop. We had a great morning grabbing breakfast and coffee , washing my car and then going for a drive through the countryside. As we were driving, we talked about sports. His favorite is football and he plays running back on offense and linebacker on defense. Our conversation turned to competition. All of his friends are athletes too. My thoughts that I shared with Nick about competition were these:

As long as a person is concerned with being just better than other people on the field of play, this person will never know exactly how good he or she can be. The goal is to be your best, not anyone else’s best.

As we talked about this, I thought about how this really applies to anything- business, a career, school, etc.

Competition with other people is a distraction. Focusing on your own performance and becoming the best you- you can be is truly the most rewarding and the best gift you can give yourself, your team or your company.

You can also apply this to family dynamics- we don’t need to compete with siblings, cousins, or anyone. Enjoy each other’s strengths:)

Today’s Gift: A one hour mp3 on 5 Simple Steps to Get Rid of Excuse  Click Here

Today’s Special:  Save when you purchase my book Be the Inspiration: 7 Ways to Inspire Your World  Click Here



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD, MA


Your Inspired Action Success Coach



12 Days of Christmas Cheer Day 3

12 Days of Christmas Cheer

Day 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas Cheer giveaway

Each day, I will offer a coaching tip on a self-growth topic, plus a free downloadable gift and a special discount on my coaching products. On the final day, I will be holding a drawing from all of the blog comments and will be giving out a $25 Amazon gift card to a drawing prize winner. Enter the drawing by commenting on the blog posts. (Note- One comment per day per person will be entered into the drawing).

Today’s Tip: Relationships

This time of year is a time when families gather, which is a beautiful, wonderful thing, right? If you have ever seen the movie 4 Christmases, where the main characters try to take a vacation every year to avoid the holidays with family, you can see that not everyone cherishes all of the extra time with family.

During the holidays, emotions are amplified. So if you have that relative who always tries to “one up” you or criticize the way you raise your kids, it actually bothers you more than other times of the year.

And to add to the pressure, many people have a difficult time understanding and identifying emotions, so if a person feels sad, the emotion could be expressed as anger. For example, your relative tries to start an argument by pushing every button that you have right when you are about to leave. The truth is likely that they simply are thinking about missing you when you are gone. Knowing this, you can avoid an argument by refusing to take “the bait”.

If you find yourself falling into familiar patterns every year, you can change this by creating strategies ahead of time with this three step process.

First, mentally create your desired outcome. Imagine what it would be like to have peaceful conversations and lots of fun. Imagine laughing and enjoying each other. Be a deliberate creator. Line up with the energy of what you want instead of what you don’t want.

Second, decide how you want to be. Do you want to have your heart filled with love for your family? Love is a verb- something you do- it is a choice.   No one can push your buttons unless you allow it. There is always that space between stimulus and response where you have choice. Make deliberate choices instead of reacting.

Finally, stick to your  important boundaries. For example, if your mom insists on feeding your children too many cookies and it really bothers you and you know your children will not feel well; take the cookie plate away and distract your children. Affirm to your mom that you love her and she is an excellent baker. Then change the subject. You don’t have to understand why your relatives do and say what they do. You don’t have to make them “wrong” either. The key is to choose the important things and not make everything a battle.When you know that you will not back down on the things that are important to you, most often, other people don’t push hard on the boundary. When you are not sure, people sense this and will push harder against you.

Today’s Gift (no opt in): 4 Keys to Living an Inspired Life Click Here

Today’s Discount- The Sacred Success Builder program  Click Here



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff

Your Inspired Action Success Coach

