21 Days to More Freedom, Happiness, and Success


Hey there Happiness and Success seeker,

Right about now, is the crucial time to commit to keep moving forward on your goals. You have some terrific goals for 2014 and you likely began your approach with lots of enthusiasm, by now you have made progress, but (let’s get real, here)  you may also have experienced a few dips or setbacks, too. This is normal, but don’t be discouraged or start worrying whether this will be your year or not to really breakthrough to the level of  happiness and success you desire.

I have been digging deep to pull out the lessons that have helped my clients see the success that they want. The result is two new 21 day courses- one for personal development and one for personal growth.

These lessons work- in fact, I just got a call a few days ago from a client who landed a much desired business deal. This client had experienced many doubts and setbacks, but kept growing and learning. And I know she feels that every ounce of time and  energy was completely worth it. If she can do it, so can you.

No one likes the word “failure” and no one wants to ever experience failure… but the truth is that our failures pave the way for our eventual success and we have only truly failed if we stop trying.  During these two new programs, I will be with you every step of the way and available to answer questions. For over 20 years, I have been studying what makes people happy, why some people succeed and others don’t, and what truly inspires people to move forward.  The main determining factor is a decision. When you truly decide and commit- you can make anything happen. You can get from where you are now to where you want to be.  What will  it take for you to make the changes that you want?

It doesn’t matter where you come from, what your past has been, or any other external factor… the difference maker begins with a thought, then a decision.

These 21 day courses will help you create new habits, new thoughts, and stronger daily practices with a minimal investment of time. The courses fit in with your every day life. I made it simple and effective so you can have the time to do it and shift to your highest, best self. I also made these courses extremely affordable so you don’t have to worry about investing a lot of money.

As you move through the lessons, your confidence will grow and your energy will expand, too.

Here is the information on each new course below:

New Course 21 Days for Your Life: More Freedom Happiness and Success

21 days to More Freedom, Happiness and Success eCourse. 21 Days of emailed audio lessons plus 4 webinars. 

Setting goals and making plans are exciting, but after the first few weeks, the excitement dwindles and sometimes momentum stalls. I have designed this new eCourse to help you keep moving and really achieving what you want.

Successful people make a daily practice of success.

Successful people are continuous learners.

These 21 days of audio lessons sent to you each day to your email inbox will boost transformation, enhance positive habits, and increase your sense of freedom and happiness. These lessons are 10 minutes each. Plus, each day of the 21 days I will be energetically aligning the group for success through distance energy work at 5:04 am pst/8:04 am est. (No need to do anything special at this time and you can even be asleep)

Most people who have success, freedom, and happiness will tell you that it wasn’t always that way for them. They learned how to create powerful daily practices and to change the way that they think. Many of the most successful people will also say that they felt average or even very challenged by life’s circumstances.

This means that no matter what is going on with you- you can make changes and it is never too late to start.

>>>Sign up Now- Click Here to register 

The 21 Days of Audio Lesson Topics (listening link will be emailed to your Inbox each day):

  1. Manifesting What You Desire Out of Life
  2. Getting Control of Your Schedule
  3. Managing Your Incompletes
  4. Creating Your Sacred Space
  5. The Power of the Words You Choose
  6. The Touches in Your Life
  7. Cultivating Connections
  8. Feeling Safe and Secure
  9. Practicing Forgiveness for Yourself
  10. Creating Your Happiness Lifestyle
  11. Deep Wells of Appreciation
  12. Movement and Motion
  13. Practicing Love Language
  14. Being Here Now
  15. Natural and Easy Meditation
  16. Understanding Oneness and Deepening Connection
  17. The meaning of “I am”
  18. Deciding Your Purpose
  19. Aligning Your Energy to Success
  20. Creating Lightness and Freedom
  21. Living with Flow and Meaning

Webinar 45 minute Topics (you may listen at your convenience and each listening link will be sent on Day 1, Day 7, Day 14, and Day 21 ):

  • Developing Confidence and Fearlessness
  • Letting the Past Go, Moving through Blocks, and Move Forward in Happiness
  • Getting and Staying Inspired and Motivated
  • Unleashing and Understanding the Powerful Creator in YOU that is Able to Manifest What You Deeply Desire.

This course is $197, but because you are a member of my community- you may register for this event for $97 saving $100

>>>Sign up Now- Click Here to register 


And here is new course number 2- for your business.

New Course 21 Days for Your Biz: Grow Your Biz Insight

21 Days of  10 minute Audio Lessons over email plus 4- 45 min webinars that you can listen to at your convenience.

Get new and fresh ideas, support, and motivation with 21- 10 minute audio lessons to boost and transform your business.

  • What would it be like if you were in love with your business. Not that you just loved your business, but were in-love with it? There is a difference.
  • What would it feel like for you to gain 3 or 4 new clients or sell more info products? Or get a new idea that you can put into motion?

All successful business owners started somewhere. They all had a learning curve. They all tried many different ways to grow their businesses. So whether you are just starting out- or you have been in biz for years… a fresh boost of energy can help you see more success.

Business owners come from diverse backgrounds in both experience and education.

The important part of your business is that you offer a solution to someone else’s needs. That’s it. If you are not meeting a need, you don’t have a business. If you are meeting a need, it is a question of finding the people who need you and delivering it in a way that feels right to them.

You can grow your business. It’s not hard. It does takes focus and a willingness to conquer any fears or obstacles that come up.

If you can focus your energy and have a willing heart to try new approaches- you can do it.

>>>Sign Up Now To register Click Here 

Here is the list of topics we will cover in the 21- 10 minute daily audio lessons (which will be emailed to your Inbox each day):

  1. Maximizing Your Strengths
  2. Being the Ultimate Professional
  3. Discovering Your Uniqueness
  4. Writing Your 1 Page Business Plan
  5. Remembering your “Why”
  6. Getting Clear About Who your Customer Is.
  7. What Does Your Client Need- What problem do they want solved?
  8. Where Are Your Ideal Clients?
  9. List Building: Elements of an Exciting Free Offer
  10. Social Media: LinkedIn for Biz
  11. Social Media: Twitter for Biz
  12. Social Media: Blogging for Biz
  13. Social Media: Facebook for Biz
  14. Social Media: Pinterest for Biz
  15. How to Find Great JV Partners and What NOT to do
  16. Selling to Your List
  17. The Energy of Your Biz
  18. Offers that Inspire
  19. Keeping the Passion Going
  20. Profits: Allowing Flexibility for Growth
  21. How to Be “In Love” with Your Biz

Here are the webinar topics (you will receive the webinar listening links on day 1, day 7, day 14 and day 21).

  • Business planning that is easy and smart.
  • Communicating your message to the people who need what you have to offer.
  • Listbuilding that converts to Product/Service Selling Plus how to create successful Joint Ventures.
  • Aligning the energy of your business so your customers and YOU are absolutely in love with what you have to offer.

Plus, each day of the 21 days I will be energetically aligning the group for business success through distance energy work at 5:34 am pst/8:34 am est. (No need to do anything special at this time and you can even be asleep)

This course is $197 – but you can get it for only $97 today (you save $100)

>>>Sign Up Now To register Click Here 

Note: During both of the above 21 day courses- you will be encouraged to follow these 4 Pillars of Success Habits every day: Move your body for at least 10 minutes, drink at least 8 glasses of water, write in a journal every day (even if it is just 1 sentence), and practice silence, deep breaths, prayer, or meditation for at least 2 minutes.

Here is what a few of my clients  had to say about my processes and coaching:

“I adore Sheri…. She has been a strong guiding force for me…. The clarity,wisdom and support that I have gained from working with Sheri has been amazingly valuable to me…Bringing Sheri into my life is one of the smartest things I have ever done….Boy do I love this woman!     Thank you Sheri…..I continue to grow each day!” …..     Joanna Sanchez

“Working with Sheri has been a great experience. She is truly an inspirational person. Working with her you can feel the vibrant energy she sends through her classes. I made the connection with her through an on line class that I took.. Sheri is a wonderful person to work with. She offers many tools that can be used in everyday life. I think everyone should take or at least try one of Sheri’s classes. It is very well worth it.” Norma S.

Working with Sheri Kaye Hoff “Sheri is generous in sharing her wisdom. For those who prefer the written word, Sheri has written many books on how to live a successful and joyful life. However, words are a small percentage of communication and Sheri enriches the lives of all who listen to her podcasts and web conferences. She blends together her business leadership and teaching experience with personal life lessons to encourage and enlighten her clients lives. Interactive sessions will increase your awareness of what is required to gain clarity and rapidly move forward. Sheri is an excellent, relate-able mentor and coach who is interested in your success.” Doug Jarvie http://jarvie.ca

See what 21 days can do for you when you try one or both of my new courses. 

>>>Sign Up Now  for 21 Days for Your Life:  More Freedom, Happiness and Success Sign up Now Click Here

>>>Sign Up Now  for 21 Days for Your Biz:  Grow Your Biz Insight To register Click Here 

If you have any questions, please contact me here  I would love to have a conversation with you.

Cheers to your fabulous success!


Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD, MA


Your Inspired Action Success Coach




Sign up Here: 21 Days for Your Life: More Freedom, Happiness and Success Click Here to register 

Sign Up Here: 21 Days for Your Biz To register Click Here

4 thoughts on “21 Days to More Freedom, Happiness, and Success

  1. Pingback: Can and Do People Really Change? | Life Coach Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff

  2. Pingback: 3 Keys to More Freedom, Happiness and Success | Life Coach Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff

  3. Pingback: Connecting the Pieces and Living Fulfilled | Life Coach Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff

  4. Pingback: Living a Heart-Centered Life and Thriving | Life Coach Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff

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