Attention: Get Hundreds of Free Self-Improvement Gifts

Have I got some exciting news for you today!

You can now get instant access to 100s of downloadable self help gifts at NO COST to yourself.

Yep, you heard me right…for FREE!

All you have to do is go here:

So, if you have found yourself going round in circles time and time again just trying to improve things in your life, but find yourself getting nowhere fast, then I’m pleased to tell you that it is now easily within your reach to change things during 2014.

HOWEVER, just like anything in life there is a downside here – BUT don’t panic because if you act fast you won’t miss out.

The Self Improvement Gifts Giveaway 8 hosted by Stephanie Mulac, Carolyn Hansen and Dr. Joe Rubino will only be open for a VERY LIMITED TIME… only a few weeks in fact!

So if you are serious about making 2014 the BEST year ever, then you need to jump on board as soon as the event opens on the 2nd of January.

Don’t delay because the doors close for good a few weeks later.

Here’s just a small sample of the 100s of gifts that are available for you to download instantly once the event goes live:

* Simple 3 Step Energy Release Technique – Julia Maria Lloyd
* How to Love Yourself Pack – Tim Pond
* Life Purpose for Soulful Living – Linda J. Ferguson
* Material Manifestation Frequencies Download – Geoff Wilkins
* Mind Alchemy: 3 Lessons of Life – Steven Aitchison
* The 5 Keys to Building a Successful Lifestyle Entrepreneur Business – Jesse Krieger
* Attract More Blessings Into Your Life Today! – Yee Shun Jian
* A+ Parenting Video Series – Scott Palat
* Are You Making These 3 Mistakes With Your Affirmations? – Chris Cade
* Filling the Empty Heart: 5 Keys to Transforming Love Addiction ebook & quiz – Sherry Gaba
* The Serenity Path (Discover Your Personalized SPIRITUAL Path) – Mike Evans
* And Much Much More!

If you are ready to start the year off right, which I’m sure you are, and tackle EVERYTHING that is holding you back from moving forward in life, or if you just want to change things because you are looking for a sense of inner peace, then you need to go here RIGHT NOW:

And while the gifts are all 100% FREE – I want to also mention
that as soon as you signup, you will see an OPTIONAL offer
that is going to literally floor you.

Never before has this offer been made, so I strongly suggest
you consider making it your own. But understand – it is totally optional and doesn’t affect the free gifts I am giving you.

It’s there for you to seize if you truly want to effect lasting
change and leverage all the free gifts you are about to receive –
so the choice is totally up to you!

You know, this is the 8th Self Improvement Gifts Giveaway event and each year it just gets BIGGER and BETTER!

This REALLY is the largest collection of POWERFUL self help and personal growth gifts you will find on the Internet EVER!

Before you go I just have one question for you…

Now that you know about this potentially life changing giveaway, are you going to make the most of the opportunity, or are you going to sit back and let 2014 be a repeat of 2013?

The choice is yours, but I know what I’m going to do and that is FIGHT BACK and live life the way I want to….Are you with me?

Hope to see you there 🙂

Warmest,Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff



12 Days of Christmas Finale

12 Days of Christmas Cheer

Day 12  of the 12 Days of Christmas Cheer Giveaway

Today is drawing day- the winner of the $25 Amazon gift card is Robyn Richards- Congratulations and thank you for all of your wonderful comments. Thank you to everyone for participating in my 12 Days of Christmas event.

Today’ Tip:

“Awake,arise,and assert yourself,you dreamers of the world. Your star is now in ascendancy.”  Napoleon Hill

Over the past 12 days, I have shared with you some of my best coaching tips.  We have talked about being empowered, finding inner peace, success, achievement, mindset, unconditional love, communication skills, relationships, and more. I have been sending you loving thoughts and have held you in my innermost thoughts. I believe in your strength, your power, and your goals.

I know that if you truly make an inner commitment to what is most important to you- you can make it happen. It truly is up to you. You are the CEO of your own life. You are a deliberate creator.

Keep growing your awareness, stand up and own your goals, and take inspired action.

Today’s Gift: A 15 minute meditation (no opt-in required ) Click Here

Book a Free 20 minute strategy session with me  Click Here



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD, MA


Your Inspired Action Success Coach


12 Days of Christmas Cheer Day – Tap your personal power

12 Days of Christmas Cheer

Day 11 of the 12 Days of Christmas Cheer Giveaway

Each day through Dec 27, I will offer a coaching tip on a self-growth topic, plus a free downloadable gift and a special discount on my coaching products. On the final day, I will be holding a drawing from all of the blog comments and will be giving out a $25 Amazon gift card to a drawing prize winner. Enter the drawing by commenting on the blog posts. (Note- One comment per day per person will be entered into the drawing).

Today’s Tip:

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”  Napoleon Hill

I watched part of National Lampoon’s Christmas show late last night with the ever troubled character that Chevy Chase plays. Disaster and crazy happenings seem to follow him around. We laugh and giggle at the movie. When watching the movie, most people can look at their own holiday gatherings and their own lives and have a sense of thinking “at least my life is not that bad or my family is not that crazy.”

When you look a little deeper at the movie though, the theme taps the idea that events happen to people and people are the victims of their outer circumstances. In fact, the nicer you are are- the more disaster happens to strike. Chevy Chase’s character is a likable, funny, and normal guy- and nothing ever works out quite like he wants it to work out.

If  we look at Napoleon Hill’s quote that I provided above,  it directly contrasts with the messages that we receive in mainstream media and entertainment.  His quote reminds us that we do have great personal power. Don’t give it away and mostly don’t let it just fade away because you don’t use it.

You are more powerful than you can imagine. You are empowered every moment of every day.  Identify and align yourself with strength and the idea that you are a powerful, deliberate creator.  Journal Exercise Prompt: Ask yourself, “What do I want to create?”

Today’s Gift: Enjoy this call from Success Club on Unconditional Love and Leadership (no opt in required) Click Here

Today’s Special: Top Life Coaching Tips: Live Each Day with More Peace, Passion, Energy, and Joy Click Here



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD, MA


Your Inspired Action Success Coach


12 Days of Christmas Cheer Day 9

12 Days of Christmas Cheer

Day 9  of the 12 Days of Christmas Cheer Giveaway

Each day, I will offer a coaching tip on a self-growth topic, plus a free downloadable gift and a special discount on my coaching products. On the final day, I will be holding a drawing from all of the blog comments and will be giving out a $25 Amazon gift card to a drawing prize winner. Enter the drawing by commenting on the blog posts. (Note- One comment per day per person will be entered into the drawing). I have designed the 12 days of Christmas to end a few days after Christmas.

Today’s Tip:

It is Christmas Eve and I woke up this morning feeling so much love in my heart, not just for family, but for everyone in my life and all of humanity. I almost felt like my heart would burst with happiness. I started my morning with coffee and a drive through the country. I love the mountain views. When I see the sun rise and turn the snow capped mountains pink and purple with sparkles, it takes my breath away.

Here is a poem that I wrote in 2009- that I would like to share with you:

Winter Morning

Before dawn
Slowly moving
I breathe in the chilly air
Snow crunching
Wind tickling my face
Part of me wants
To turn back
To snuggle in my warm bed
Part of me is awakening
With the promise
Of an exciting new day
I begin
Quickening the pace
Muscles warming
Heart accelerating
The sun is slowly creeping up
I turn the corner
At the top of the hill
I pause in glorious wonder
The mountain peaks
Snowy , sparkly, pink
As  the sun kisses them
Glowing with the
Promise of the new day.
Thank you Lord for your
spectacular, beautiful day.

Even though you are probably booked solid over the next few days with family gatherings, cooking, presents, and all of your Holiday traditions. Take a few minutes to breathe in the glorious day and appreciate the beauty surrounding you.

Today’s Gift: The Boost Your Happiness mp3 Click Here

Today’s Special: The Living Joyfully Hard Cover Journal Click Here



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD, MA


Your Inspired Action Success Coach


12 Days of Christmas Cheer Day 7

12 Days of Christmas Cheer

Day 7 of the 12 Days of Christmas Cheer giveaway

Each day, I will offer a coaching tip on a self-growth topic, plus a free downloadable gift and a special discount on my coaching products. On the final day, I will be holding a drawing from all of the blog comments and will be giving out a $25 Amazon gift card to a drawing prize winner. Enter the drawing by commenting on the blog posts. (Note- One comment per day per person will be entered into the drawing).

Today’s Tip:

BookCoverImageThis morning, my youngest son (he is 13) and I when to Sports Authority to bring his snowboard rental back. We shopped a little trying out the new golf drivers in the golf shop. We had a great morning grabbing breakfast and coffee , washing my car and then going for a drive through the countryside. As we were driving, we talked about sports. His favorite is football and he plays running back on offense and linebacker on defense. Our conversation turned to competition. All of his friends are athletes too. My thoughts that I shared with Nick about competition were these:

As long as a person is concerned with being just better than other people on the field of play, this person will never know exactly how good he or she can be. The goal is to be your best, not anyone else’s best.

As we talked about this, I thought about how this really applies to anything- business, a career, school, etc.

Competition with other people is a distraction. Focusing on your own performance and becoming the best you- you can be is truly the most rewarding and the best gift you can give yourself, your team or your company.

You can also apply this to family dynamics- we don’t need to compete with siblings, cousins, or anyone. Enjoy each other’s strengths:)

Today’s Gift: A one hour mp3 on 5 Simple Steps to Get Rid of Excuse  Click Here

Today’s Special:  Save when you purchase my book Be the Inspiration: 7 Ways to Inspire Your World  Click Here



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD, MA


Your Inspired Action Success Coach
