Your Path to Success eZine

Your Path to Success eZine
February 1, 2012
Dear Friend, 

Happy February!

I am sending you thoughts of joy, love, and success.

Happy Birthday…. to me. It is my birthday on February 2. On my birthday last year, I was on the Hay House cruise with Cheryl Richardson, Reid Tracy, Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue and more… and my Be the Inspiration book… was merely an idea on a one page document. So, my Birthday gift to myself… has been completing this special book. It is available as an ebook on my website and on Amazon kindle… In a about two to three weeks- it will also be available as a paperback book worldwide and in book stores everywhere.

I just lunched my brand new ebook – BE the Inspiration: 7 Ways to Inspire Your World. Early reviews have been outstanding. You can get it now and receive hundreds of dollars worth of valuable bonus gifts. Check it out-Click Here

I want to thank these colleagues and clients for contributing stories to complement the lessons in each chapter: Pat Hastings, Erin Ruiz, Doug Jarvie, Nancy Farris, Nancy Falconi, Nanice Ellis, Connie Nylund, Janet Nestor, Linda Hardenstein, Hemal Radia, Crystal Lynn Miller. I appreciate the inspiring stories from these exceptional people.

And… coming soon….in about a week, I will be launching my new smartphone app… so be sure to look for that information.

In this issue: you will find specials, articles, and tips.  Enjoy!

You can also find me on Amazon and Barnes and Noble…Click Here

And you can access my free podcast on itunes Click Here


Love, Joy and Abundant Blessings,

Sheri Kaye Hoff

Your Inspired Action Success Coach

Excerpt from BE the Inspiration: 7 Ways to Inspire Your World by Sheri Kaye Hoff

Please enjoy this excerpt from my new ebook Be the Inspiration: 7 Ways to Inspire Your World

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” – Winston Churchill

“Do you feel a pull to do and be more?

Is it important to you to be able to inspire yourself and those around you?
Do you want to be more effective and impactful in your career or business?
Does your level of personal and team leadership influence your income?
It is important to be inspired, to feed our souls on a daily basis. Once you become adept at knowing what inspires you personally, then the next natural move is to inspire the world around you. This is the time when you help others transform through your message, your example.

Ask yourself, what can I teach? How can I lead? How can I inspire? Who can I inspire? This is a time for mentoring and giving back. You do have something that is uniquely you… that can help those around you… your job is to find out what that is and make a commitment to truly BE the Inspiration.

This book- BE the Inspiration: 7 Ways to Inspire Your World is designed to take you from getting inspired personally to becoming the inspiration to those around you. Learn what it takes to become an inspiring leader so you can grow your business, become a leader in your profession, lead a program, make a difference and/or become a thought leader. Learn how to use your personal development story to create a meaningful and inspiring platform.

Through the use the acronym INSPIRE and you will learn key components of explosive personal and leadership growth.

What do I mean when I say- “Be the inspiration”?
There is a difference between getting inspired personally (yes we do need to that, we need to take care of ourselves, but there is more). There comes a point in life when we are not only interested in being inspired personally, but we start reaching out and inspiring other people, either through examples, through programs we run or the job that we have, or the goals that we have, and your life becomes more than just about you as an individual.

Being the inspiration- is the way that we lift up the people around us. It is the way that we get our message across and it is the way that we grow. Maybe you have a business or you are working in a company or you want to start something new, or maybe you lead a non- profit. It becomes important for you to have strategies and ways of being in place to be effective at and that is what I am going to share with you in this book, Be the Inspiration: 7 Ways to Inspire Your World.

By reading this book- you will be able to get tools and techniques that you can use right away. Upon reading this book, you might decide that you want to continue this conversation with me and I am going to tell you how you can do that and I am also going to offer you something special, too.

As we get started… I would love for you to set an intention for this book. I am a big fan of setting an intention for every experience in my life and I like to have my clients do it, too. So if you could hold for yourself, a space for your intention for reading this book – that would be fantastic.

Hold your hand over your heart… and ask:

What is my intention?
What specific piece do I want to learn?
Do I want to be inspired? Motivated?
Whatever it is for you personally- Set your intention. In my book, Living Successfully and Joyfully Every Day: 90 Days of Inspiration- I talk about the importance of consciousness…and when we set an intention we are making a conscious choice.

For example, your intention might be getting motivated to act, and/or it might be getting clarity on a goal.
Some people who have heard and or read the concepts included in this book experienced clarity around the program that they wanted to start or their next steps to take in their lives.
So go ahead and set an intention for yourself.

I want you to know that you do have the power and ability to overcome obstacles and not only achieve your dreams, but live successfully and joyfully every day.

Let’s dive in, let’s talk about the acronym INSPIRE…”

I hope you enjoyed this excerpt…

You can get this ebook plus hundreds of dollars worth bonus gifts today

Click Here

Sheri Kaye Hoff, MA, CGCL  is a world-renowned Life Coach, Amazon and Barnes & Noble Author. Coach Sheri knows what it takes to go from tragedy to triumph. She discovered her brother after his suicide death as a teenager and she struggled for years with sadness and depression. Eventually, she found her way back to both success and joy.She is a popular radio show guest, keynote speaker, and workshop leader. Coach Sheri possesses a transformational coaching approach and is able to teach and inspire others to take inspired action and live joyfully and successfully every day.She has a Master’s degree in Organizational Management and is a certified group coaching leader. She has taught ethics and business classes at the collegiate level. Sheri lives in beautiful Parker, Colorado with her family.


ISSUE #152
Get this book now in Kindle or Paperback from AmazonOne of multiple books written by Life Coach and Author Sheri Kaye Hoff – Available on Amazon, Kindle, and Barnes and Noble
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Your Path to Success Enterprises, LLC
Sheri Kaye Hoff
PO Box 1344
Parker, CO 80134



4 Keys Be Your Personal Best:>>>Watch the Video Click here
Coaching Tip:If you have a habit that you are trying to change… track your thoughts and actions over a week’s time. Use a journal. For instance, if you want to be more organized, notice the things that you seem to be doing over and over. For example, maybe you find yourself looking for the same file over and over or maybe you are consistently late for the same meeting each week. Once you see your pattern, you can arm yourself with tools to change.Sometimes a simple change can help. I like the Google Chrome App called Listthings. I can put sticky notes online instead of having them allover my desk.


‎”You are meant to experience the zest” from Be the Inspiration: 7 Ways to Inspire Your World book


I have habits that support me in achieving my goals.



Coach Sheri is a Personal Development guest on global teleclass- after clicking the link below- go to Free teleclasses and Personal Development to register.

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You Path to Success Telesummit 8 Be BOLD

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New audio program for thought leaders, change agents, managers, small biz, career changes and explosive career growth- Be the Inspiration Program

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“Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.” Maya Angelou

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